Submit an Anonymous Report

All emergency situations should be reported to 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY
If you would like to report an issue anonymously,
click on the "Anonymous Tip" box below.

*All anonymous tips are reviewed by the Security Department.
If you have information that requires an urgent response, please call the Security Department
or send an email to:

The CrimeStoppers Scholastic Initiative is a collaboration with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, to offer $500.00 rewards for any tips that lead to the confiscation of a gun on school grounds, including after-school-sanctioned events.
CrimeStoppers’ existing scholastic tip line offers a $50.00 gift card to any student that turns in any individual involved in activity that they deem to be a danger to the students or staff in their school.
Along with the Gun Initiative, in the 2016-2017 school year, students were responsible for turning in individuals with 9 guns, 4 BB guns, 5 knives, 1 stun gun, and subjects who were involved in 4 drug cases. This initiative was also responsible for the arrests of individuals who were involved with a homicide investigation, terrorist threat, and robbery investigation. Student tips led officials to 25 criminal arrests and the clearance of 29 criminal cases on school grounds.
Within the past five years, CrimeStoppers’ Scholastic Tip Line has resulted in 112 criminal arrests and the clearance of 151 criminal cases on school grounds in the River Region.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and Central Alabama CrimeStoppers is offering the $500.00 Gun Initiative to every school system in the River Region to include Autauga, Crenshaw, Elmore, Lowndes, Macon, Montgomery, Pike, and Tallapoosa counties.