This page was created to keep our community informed during the process of finding the next Superintendent for the Montgomery Public Schools and to ensure that opportunities for community input are available to all stakeholders.
As part of the superintendent search process, the MPS Board approved the Superintendent Search Firm Bid with HYA, a national education consulting firm, to carry out the Superintendent Search. The superintendent search process is anticipated to take three months.
The official job posting and application can be found here: https://hyasearch.com/job/superintendent-montgomery-public-schools-al/
The search is organized into four phases.
ENGAGE: The Engage phase consists of engaging the Board and community through interviews, survey, and focus groups. Information from these interactions assists in developing a Leadership Profile and selection criteria. This disciplined, inclusive and research-based approach ensures the entirety of the MPS community has the opportunity to be a part of the search process and provide valuable feedback about the strength, challenges and needs of MPS.
Please participate by taking the survey: Click Here
Focus Groups
Leadership Profile
RECRUIT: The Recruit phase consists of leveraging HYA’s extensive national network across multiple service lines and incorporating advertising strategies that results in the identification and recruitment of exceptionally talented leaders.
SELECT: The Select phase consists of providing the Board with a slate of candidates that were interviewed by HYA Associates and are the best match to the Leadership Profile. The search team then facilitates the Board/District interviews and appointment process.
Meet the Candidates
Observe and Participate in the Interviews
Information regarding the interviews and the opportunities for the community to observe or participate will be provided when the plans are solidified.
TRANSITION: Appointing a new leader is the first step toward accomplishing organizational and student goals for success. Transition plans will be detailed here.