Students at Blount and Catoma Elementary holding donated coloring books from Vance Law Firm Partners

The smiles say it all! Montgomery Public Schools would like to extend a sincere thank you to our partners in education, The Vance Law Firm for their generous donation of coloring books to our first and second grade elementary students. We appreciate the Vance Law Firm's commitment to supporting our schools and students! Thank you again for your kindness and generosity!

Students at Blount and Catoma Elementary holding donated coloring books from Vance Law Firm Partners

Students at Blount and Catoma Elementary holding donated coloring books from Vance Law Firm Partners

Students at Blount and Catoma Elementary holding donated coloring books from Vance Law Firm Partners

Students at Blount and Catoma Elementary holding donated coloring books from Vance Law Firm PartnersStudents at Blount and Catoma Elementary holding donated coloring books from Vance Law Firm PartnersDr. Melvin Brown, MPS Superintendent greeting students at Blount Elementary Dr. Melvin Brown, MPS Superintendent greeting students at Catoma Elementary Dr. Melvin Brown, MPS Superintendent and Stewart E. Vance , The Vance Law Firm