c wright

Coach Carolyn Wright entered her 34th season as head coach of girls basketball at Johnson Abernathy Graetz High School. It is her 46th year in teaching, with 45 in Alabama and one in Georgia. She began coaching at McIntyre Junior High in Montgomery and now returns to Montgomery to resume her coaching career. She is also the JAG’s athletic director and physical education teacher.  Wright a member of the Alabama High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame, became the Central Phenix City Red Devils’ coach in 1991 and has compiled a 597-375 record – all with Central. She is a six-time coach of the year. Her teams have won 11
area titles and made four Final Four appearances. Wright was named Coach of the Year for the Bi-City area after her first season at Central. Coach Wright earned her 600 win at JAG on December 7, 2023.