Ms. Smith’s 2nd graders engaged in a Bar Graph activity using skittles and m&ms. What a tasty way to do math! 🦁📊 Los alumnos de segundo grado de la Sra. Smith participaron en una actividad de gráfico de barras usando bolos y m&ms. ¡Qué manera tan rica de hacer matemáticas! 🦁📊 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Mrs. Smith's second grade bar graph activity
REMINDER: Last Call for Uniform Voucher pickup. See you there. Wed. September 18th (9am - 2pm) Thu. September 19th (9am - 2pm) RECORDATORIO: Última llamada para recoger el vale de uniforme. Nos vemos allí. Casarse. 18 de septiembre (9:00 a 14:00 horas) Jue. 19 de septiembre (9:00 - 14:00 horas) #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Friendly Reminder
Our 4th Graders are working on melody. Some of them played “The Star Spangled Banner” today on the Boomwackers, in observance for Constitution Day. 🎼🪈 Nuestros alumnos de 4to grado están trabajando en melodía esta semana. Algunos de ellos tocaron “The Star Spangled Banner” hoy en los Boomwackers, en conmemoración del Día de la Constitución. 🎼🪈 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Mrs. Orum's music students
Shout out to Walmart on Chantilly Pkwy for the generous donation of School Supplies. We appreciate your support and partnership. 📒✂️ Un saludo a Walmart en Chantilly Pkwy por la generosa donación de útiles escolares. Agradecemos su apoyo y colaboración. 📒✂️ #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Thanks Walmart Chantilly Parkway
Thanks for partnering with us
These supplies will definitely be put to use
AMSTI Specialist Mrs. French and Mrs. Skanes engaged 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classes in Number Sense Routines and the use of manipulatives to solve problems. 🦁🐾 La Sra. French y la Sra. Skanes, especialistas de AMSTI, participaron en clases de 1.°, 2.° y 3.° grado en rutinas de sentido numérico y el uso de objetos manipulables para resolver problemas. 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
AMSTI Specialist Mrs. French
Math Interventionist Mrs. Skanes
Our students are on task and working with manipulatives
Charting i-Ready Data, planning next steps & moving students. 🦁🐾 Registrar datos de i-Ready, planificar los próximos pasos y movilizar a los estudiantes. 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Fifth grade charting I-Ready data
Data drives instruction
Working together to move the needle
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Peer Helpers. We are proud of this group of leaders and look forward to the positive impact they will have at Chisholm. 🦁🐾 Congratulations to our fellow helpers of 2024-2025. We are proud of this group of leaders and look forward to the positive impact they will have in Chisholm. 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Partnering with Grand Canyon University
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Peer Helpers. We are proud of this group of leaders and look forward to the positive impact they will have at Chisholm. 🦁🐾 Congratulations to our fellow helpers of 2024-2025. We are proud of this group of leaders and look forward to the positive impact they will have in Chisholm. 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Peer helpers 2024-2025
Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month! We are looking forward to celebrating and learning with you! 🎉🦁 ¡Feliz Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana! ¡Esperamos celebrar y aprender contigo! 🎉🦁 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Our new Peer Helpers had a successful training and field trip. Thanks Ms. Frum, School Counselor, and Coach Reaker, for sponsoring these leaders. They will do great things! 🦁🐾 Nuestros nuevos compañeros ayudantes tuvieron una capacitación exitosa y una excursión. Gracias a la Sra. Frum, consejera escolar y al entrenador Reaker, por patrocinar a estos líderes. ¡Harán grandes cosas! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Peer helpers
What a field trip!
Making a difference
Our peer helpers are Leveling Up
SURPRISE!!! We ended International Dot Day with Dippin’ Dots ice cream. What a great way to end the week! 🔵🟢🟣 ¡¡¡SORPRESA!!! Terminamos el Día Internacional del Punto con helado Dippin’ Dots. ¡Qué gran manera de terminar la semana! 🔴🟠🟡 #internationaldotday #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Experience the fun with dipping dots
Pick your flavor
Ready to serve
Thumbs up
Our students were truly surprised
Mr. B making it happen for our students
Teachers like dipping dots too
International Dot Day 2024! Make your mark and see where it takes you. 🔵🟢🔴 ¡Día Internacional del Punto 2024! Deja tu huella y mira adónde te lleva. 🟠🟡🟣 #internationaldotday #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Dot Day
Check out our socks
Our students are Dot Day ready
Faculty and staff join in on the fun
Dot Day fun
Mrs. Griffins students made their mark
First Grade had a ball on Dot Day
Mrs. Jeong’s students have been engaged in Reading Centers. Way to go students! 📚📖 Los alumnos de la Sra. Jeong han participado en centros de lectura. ¡Así se hace estudiantes! 📚📖 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Reading center#1
Reading center #2
Reading centers
Reading center #3
Thank you Frazer Church for supporting our students. We appreciate you! 🦁🐾 Gracias Frazer Church por apoyar a nuestros estudiantes. ¡Te apreciamos! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Thank you Frazer Church for your generous donation
Special thanks to Church of the Highlands for their continued support of our students. We appreciate you! 🦁🐾 Un agradecimiento especial a Church of the Highlands por su continuo apoyo a nuestros estudiantes. ¡Te apreciamos! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Check out our goody bags from Church of the Highlands
Thank you I-Lead for an engaging lesson with our 5th Grade students! 🦁🐾 Gracias I-Lead por una primera lección interesante con nuestros estudiantes de quinto grado! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
I Lead and Mr. Williams fifth grade class
Volunteers engaging with students
Students role playing
Happening Friday, September 13th, help us celebrate International Dot Day. You don’t want to miss the fun! Get your DOTS ready!!! 🔴🟠🟡 El viernes 13 de septiembre, ayúdanos a celebrar el Día Internacional del Punto. ¡No querrás perderte la diversión! ¡¡¡Prepara tus DOTS!!! 🟣🔵🟢 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
International Dot  Day
Happy Birthday to our WINNING Team Members with August and September birthdays. 🥳🎂🎉 Feliz cumpleaños a los miembros de nuestro equipo GANADOR que cumplieron años en agosto y septiembre. 🎂🎉 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Happy Birthday August & September Birthdays
Faculty and staff  birthday celebration
Food and fun
Building relationships
Mrs. Daniels
Ms. McClain
Ms. Harris
Attendance Matters, Everyday Counts! September is attendance awareness month. Be at school daily, with no tardies or check outs for a chance to win BIG! 📆💯 ¡La asistencia importa, todos los días cuentan! Septiembre es el mes de concientización sobre la asistencia. ¡Esté en la escuela todos los días, sin llegar tarde ni salir para tener la oportunidad de ganar EN GRANDE! 📆💯 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Attendance Matters
Attendance Counts
What a GRAND time we had during our Grandparents Luncheon! Thanks for the role you play in our students lives. We look forward to engaging with you again soon. Shout out to our amazing CNP staff for such a GRAND meal! 👵🏽🍽️👴🏼 ¡Qué GRAN momento lo pasamos hoy durante nuestro almuerzo de abuelos! Gracias por el papel que desempeña en la vida de nuestros estudiantes. Esperamos volver a interactuar con usted pronto. ¡Un saludo a nuestro increíble personal de CNP por una comida tan GRANDE! 👵🏽🍽️👴🏼 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Grandparents Luncheon
Mr. Baker greeting families
Our dynamic CNP staff
Grandparents show their support
Ms. Dickson greeting families
Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. Mills welcome grandparents
Those smiles say it all
There's nothing like family support
Grandparents are so special