It was a great day in STEM class! 🦁🐾 ¡Fue un gran día en la clase STEM! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Stem with Ms. Searcy
Stem students
Check out this awesome story featuring students from Chisholm Elementary School stepping into the role of a Meteorologist through the Defined Learning Meteorologist performance task! Chisholm Elementary Lions Montgomery Public Schools #STEM #PBL #STEAM #ElemChat
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Thank you Dr. Stewart, Montgomery Optimist Club, for the partnership. We are looking forward to the experience you will provide our 3rd Grade students! Parents, be on the lookout for details next week! 🦁🐾 Gracias Dr. Stewart, Montgomery Optimist Club, por la asociación. ¡Estamos buscando la experiencia que brindará a nuestros estudiantes de 3er grado! ¡Padres, estén atentos a los detalles la próxima semana! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Montgomery Optimist Club
Dipping Into Data Teachers dipped into beginning of year iReady data and created action plans with next steps. We are making informed instructional decisions. Shout out to our Instructional Specialists for a DELICIOUS day! 🦁🐾 Sumergirnos en los datos estaba en nuestra agenda hoy. Los maestros analizaron los datos de iReady de principios de año y crearon planes de acción con los siguientes pasos. Estamos tomando decisiones de instrucción informadas. ¡Un saludo a nuestros especialistas en instrucción por un día DELICIOSO! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Dipping Into Data
Our specialist are truly special
Data or it didn't happen
Did somebody say dip?
Mrs. Ivey and Mrs. Skanes let the data do the talking
Thank you Ms. Kelly (Alabama Cooperative Extension) and Dr. Peterman (Hope Institute) for your support for Chisholm Elementary. We are looking forward to a successful partnership! 🦁🐾 Gracias Sra. Kelly (Extensión Cooperativa de Alabama) y Dr. Peterman (Instituto Hope) por su apoyo a la Primaria Chisholm. ¡Esperamos una asociación exitosa! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Dr. Peterman Hope Institute
Ms. Kelly, Hope Institute
Fall Picture Day, Thursday, Sept. 5th! Students must wear school uniforms. This will be a yearbook photo. Bring your SMILE!📸 ¡Día de fotografías de otoño, jueves 5 de septiembre! Los estudiantes deben usar uniformes escolares. Esta será una foto del anuario. ¡Trae tu SONRISA!📸 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Fall picture day
Thank you Mrs. Elizabeth Drollette, Ministry of Missions at Frazer Church, for your continued support of our students. We appreciate your generous donation of Healthy Grab & Go items. 🦁🐾 Gracias Sra. Elizabeth Drollette, Ministerio de Misiones de la Iglesia Frazer, por su continuo apoyo a nuestros estudiantes. Agradecemos su generosa donación de artículos Healthy Grab & Go. 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Ministry of Missions at Frazer Church
Partnering with Frazer Church
Happening THIS WEEK. Be prepared to Show What You Know! 💻📈 Pasando ESTA SEMANA. ¡Prepárate para demostrar lo que sabes! 💻📈 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Fall I-Ready Testing
We had perfect weather for outdoor physical education with Coach Duplessis and Coach Reaker! 🦁🐾 ¡Hoy tuvimos un clima perfecto para educación física al aire libre con el entrenador Duplessis y el entrenador Reaker! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Coach Reaker
Coach Duplessis
Students at play
Reminder, students are not allowed to have cell phones at school. Please review our Cell Phone Policy in the Parent-Student Handbook. 📵📱 Recordatorio, a los estudiantes no se les permite tener teléfonos celulares en la escuela. Tenga en cuenta nuestra Política de teléfonos celulares en el Manual para padres y estudiantes. 📵📱 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Friendly reminder,  no cell phones
Mrs. Richardson’s 5th grade math students worked hard to Evaluate, Write and Interpret Expressions! Way to go students! 🦁🐾 ¡Hoy en Matemáticas, los estudiantes de quinto grado de la Sra. Richardson trabajaron duro para evaluar, escribir e interpretar expresiones! ¡Así se hace estudiantes! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Students working together
Students hard at work
Thanks Ms. Dickson, Asst. Principal, Ms. Martinez & Ms. Armstrong, ESL Teachers, for sharing valuable information to assist us in meeting the diverse needs of our students. 🦁🐾 Gracias Sra. Dickson, asistente. Directora, Sra. Martínez y Sra. Armstrong, maestras de ESL, por compartir información valiosa para ayudarnos a satisfacer las diversas necesidades de nuestros estudiantes. 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Ms. Dickson leading professional development
Mrs. Martinez, ESL teacher
Mrs. Armstrong,  ESL teacher
Mrs. Jeong’s students are using math tools, manipulatives, appropriately and increasing their math fluency! Way to go students! 🧮➕ ¡Los estudiantes de la Sra. Jeong están usando herramientas matemáticas y manipulativos de manera apropiada y están aumentando su fluidez matemática! Así se hace estudiantes! 🧮➕ #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Having fun with math
Manipulatives make math more fun
Students working together
From STEM class to math and reading, it was a Magnificent Monday at Chisholm! 🦁🐾 Desde la clase STEM hasta matemáticas y lectura, ¡fue un lunes magnífico en Chisholm! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Thank you Rep. Phillip Ensler for your generous donation and support of Chisholm! ¡Gracias, representante Phillip Ensler, por su generosa donación y apoyo a Chisholm! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Thanks for the generous donation
Our teachers engaged in Grade Level Meetings with our WINNING Instructional Specialists. We’re Leveling UP! 🦁🐾 Hoy nuestros maestros participaron en reuniones de nivel de grado Lee a cargo de nuestros especialistas en instrucción GANADORES. ¡Estamos subiendo de nivel! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Mrs. Skanes, math specialist
Grade level meeting
Grade level meeting the data room with Mrs. Skanes
Thanks Dr. Milledge & Mrs. Collier for your support! We are looking forward to our continued partnership with ARI & ALSDE! 🦁🐾 ¡Gracias Dr. Milledge y Sra. Collier por su apoyo! ¡Esperamos continuar nuestra asociación con ARI y ALSDE! 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Partnering with ARI & ALSDE
We are lifting this family and our Chisholm School Community in prayer during this time. 🦁🐾 Estamos elevando a esta familia y a nuestra comunidad de las escuelas de Chisholm en oración durante este tiempo. 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Remembering A'miya Adair
We kicked off our Chat & Chew Student Assemblies with 1st, 2nd, 3rd & PALS students! Students learned about school expectations, received health tips and safety information. 🦁🐾 ¡Hoy iniciamos nuestras Asambleas de Estudiantes Chat & Chew con estudiantes de 1º, 2º, 3º y PALS! Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre las expectativas escolares, recibieron consejos de salud e información de seguridad. 🦁🐾 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Meet the Team
Chat and Chew
Ms. Dickson explains how to stay germ free
Mr. Baker stresses the importance of school pride
Agenda for the day
Art class with Mrs. Griffin is off to a CREATIVE start! ¡La clase de arte con la Sra. Griffin ha tenido un comienzo CREATIVO! 🖌️🎨 #TheresMorewithMPS #TheresMorewithChisholmLions #GameOn #levelup #WinningTeam #NewDayAtChisholm
6 months ago, Chari Dickson
Art class with Mrs. Griffin
Artists in training